Our Strategic Partner Tarmac going the “extra mile”.
Weir Archer Academy relationship with Tarmac goes back to the summer of 2019 and resulted in their support to help us create our superb club training facility opened January 2020.
In February 2020, Tarmac donated £1 per response to its employee engagement survey, which generated over £4,000 to help us provide the athletes with training rollers they could use at home during lockdown. Without the rollers the athletes would have no way to exercise.
So, a year later, the relationship has grown beyond just monetary sponsorship with initiatives to help us support the growth of the athletes beyond the sport with career advice and support as an example.
So, we were delighted to hear that they have launched another initiative “A Mile a Day Challenge” to galvanize Team Tarmac energy to help boost the support towards budding Paralympians and support disable sport excellence and wellbeing.
The challenge is simple a minimum mile a day either by yourself or as a family in whatever way you can for one month.
So, during February Tarmac have encouraged employees to “kick” start physical wellbeing habits that will support them and their families during lockdown three and beyond.
Team Tarmac colleagues will pledge and support Weir Archer on a Virgin Money giving fundraising page and to help keep them motivated we will join together on some virtual zoom training sessions with pictures and videos shared internally on the “Circle” and social media.
The best performance in distance will be rewarded with a head to head challenge with “The Weirwolf” himself David Weir CBE in March as he builds up to the summer Tokyo Paralympics.
Speaking to Jenny Archer MBE, she commented that:
“Tarmac have consistently proved to be RELIABLE since we were introduced to each other. Last year we were incredibly humbled by how RESPONSIVE they were at short notice to turn our initial quite basic roller room facility into a training environment we are so proud of and makes us feel at home”
One of our trustees Tania Gallagher said:
“Tarmac have been continuously UNDERSTANDING and supportive of all the challenges associated linked with building and creating our fantastic club facility and excited about their support for our athletes beyond just their sport”
When I asked Dave about our special relationship he said:
“What we love is just how STRAIGHTFORWARD all our Tarmac friends are across all communication and interaction and we look upon all of them as part of our extended family.”
We all look forward to seeing the results of the February challenge and thanks again to Tarmac for always going the extra mile for The Weir Archer Academy.
Joe Gallagher (Chairman)